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Privacy Statement

The IAPH Port Readiness Level Web Tool is part of a non-profit effort to allow international ports to self-assess their readiness and identify areas requiring further development to facilitate bunkering of a new low- or zero-carbon marine fuels. The sponsors of the port readiness tool understand the importance of protecting and safeguarding privacy when visiting this website. This Privacy Statement informs you about the information this website may collect, how the information may be used, and how you can access and correct certain information collected.

Invited port representatives may become a "Registered User" and agree to the use of such data in accordance with this Privacy Statement. In addition to the sponsors of this site and website administrators, third party technical support personnel, responsible for hosting and technical operation of the site, may also have access to portions of the data stored.

You can access the public area of this website without submitting any personally identifiable data. Invited port representatives may voluntarily choose to provide this site with identifiable personal data by completing the registration form for access to the port or admin members-only areas of the port readiness assessment tool or by making use of the contact form on this website. The personally identifiable data that we would collect from you if you so choose would typically include your name and title, email address, and information about your port organization. This information is reasonably necessary to facilitate the purpose of the tool, to verify affiliation with a given port organization, and to effectively respond to requests or questions via the contact form on the website. All such data collected shall be referred to herein as "Personal Data."

Furthermore, this site may monitor incoming and outgoing website traffic data to help diagnose problems with its servers and to manage and optimize the website, services, and content provided via the website. The sponsors of this website may use this data to assemble broad demographic information about its visitors, users, and partners in general.

By submitting your Personal Data, either via the user registration or contact form, you consent to the collection and use of your Personal Data as described in this Privacy Statement. The sponsors of this website may use the Personal Data that you submit in order to grant access to the port specific areas of this website after review by the website sponsors or partners. Such parties are prohibited from using provided information for any other purpose.

Individual users of this website may be located all over the world and Personal Data collected on this website may hence be stored and processed in any country in which users operate or reside. This may include transfer to countries without data protection rules similar to those applicable in your country of residence. You acknowledge and agree that by providing Personal Data through this website, you consent to the transmission of such Personal Data over international borders as necessary to facilitate use of this tool and communication of information among users, sponsors, and partners responsible for operation of this website.

Due to the existing legal, regulatory, and security environment, this website may be required, under certain circumstances, to disclose aggregate level and/or personally identifiable data submitted to this website. The sponsors of this website will use reasonable efforts to limit such disclosures to the following circumstances: (i) where sponsors believe in good faith that it is required to do so in response to a subpoena or other legal process; (ii) where reasonably required to do so in order to maintain, update, or otherwise implement website data security measures, equipment, technical operations, and the like; (iii) where reasonably necessary to identify, contact, or bring legal action against persons or entities to preserve and/or enforce users rights; (iv) to protect and to defend the rights or property of the sponsors or partners of this website; or (v) in urgent circumstances, to protect the personal safety of the public or of users of the website services. In addition, sponsors may also disclose Personal Data in connection as part of a security audit.

Sponsors and partners of this website undertake substantial efforts to protect the confidentiality of the Personal Data, preferences, and other information it has collected and will never knowingly allow access to this information to any outside persons other than as described herein.

You should also do your part in protecting your information. Your UserID, email, and any password (if such is provided) are confidential, and you are responsible for retaining such confidentiality. Unfortunately, due to the nature of the internet as a public transmission network, data transmission over the internet cannot be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect Personal Data that is transmitted to us by you, we cannot ensure or warrant the security of such information. Thus, any Personal Data transmitted to us is done so at your own risk. Once we receive Personal Data, the sponsors and partners responsible for operation of this website undertake substantial efforts to protect the confidentiality of this information consistent with this Privacy Statement.

If you create an account, submit, review, or download information, we may track the visit through the use of "cookies." Cookies are pieces of information that a website transfers to an individual’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes. The use of cookies is an industry standard, and you will find cookies at most major websites. Cookies facilitate use of this website, and allow users with accounts to access port-specific areas of the website without the need to continually authenticate their identity in order to maintain access to these areas. Sponsors and partners of this website never use cookies to retrieve information from your computer that was not originally set in a provided cookie. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If you prefer, you can change your browser settings to refuse cookies. However, in so doing, you may not be able to fully utilize this website.

This website may contain links to websites that are owned and operated by third parties and do not operate in accordance with this Privacy Statement. When you link to other sites through this website, this Privacy Statement and our privacy practices no longer apply. We encourage you to review each website’s privacy policy before disclosing any personally identifiable information. Sponsors and partners of this website are not responsible for the privacy practices of such third party websites.

This website aims to keep your Personal Data as accurate as possible. Should you at any time desire to review, correct, or update your Personal Data, you may update your relevant profile or registration (when applicable) or contact us using the contact form linked in the menu portion of this website. This website will comply with such requests as soon as commercially reasonable or determined by statutory law. In order to ensure the safety of Personal Data, please note you will be subject to providing sufficient evidence of your identity at the time of any such request before any Personal Data records will be made available.

Data Retention: The Personal Data that you submit to this website will only be retained for as long as required for the purposes for which it was collected or as required by law. Our retention of your Personal Data allows this website to continue to provide users with access to personalized services and port-related information without interruption.

Changes to this Privacy Statement: Sponsors and partners of this website reserve the right to change this Privacy Statement at any time and without prior notice. Your continued use of this website will indicate your acceptance of these changes. Sponsors and partners of this website will take reasonable measures to notify you if there is a material change in our privacy practices with respect to use of the information you have provided.